Terms & Conditions

HomeTerms & Conditions

I. Acknowledgment of Terms

  • Users must accept the website’s Terms & Conditions as a prerequisite for its usage.

II. Modifications to Terms

  • Pima Prima retains the right to amend or substitute the Terms at any given time.

III. Privacy Considerations

  • User data falls under the governance of the Privacy Policy.

IV. Protection of Intellectual Property

  • All website content and intellectual property is the proprietary asset of Pima Prima.
  • Unauthorized utilization, reproduction, or distribution of content is prohibited.

V. Product Offerings and Pricing

  • Pima Prima presents t-shirts for purchase, with prices and availability subject to alteration.
  • Descriptions and visuals of products may not invariably align with accuracy.

VI. Order Placement and Payment

  • Users are obligated to furnish precise and comprehensive information during the order process.
  • Orders are contingent upon approval and may be subject to cancellation or refund at Pima Prima’s discretion.
  • Payment processing is delegated to third-party processors, and Pima Prima does not retain payment data.

VII. Shipping and Return Policies

  • Shipping durations, fees, and return procedures are subject to variation.

VIII. User Conduct Standards

  • Users are prohibited from contravening any laws or regulations while navigating the website.
  • Respect for the intellectual property rights of Pima Prima and others is mandatory.
  • Transmitting detrimental or malicious code is forbidden.
  • Any tampering with the website’s security or functionality is disallowed.
  • The engagement in fraudulent or unlawful activities is strictly proscribed.

IX. Liability Limitations

  • Pima Prima is absolved from liability for diverse forms of damages that may arise from website usage.

X. Legal Jurisdiction

  • The website operates under the jurisdiction of specified laws.

XI. Contact Details

  • Users may contact Pima Prima for inquiries or concerns.